Tuesday, April 6, 2010

One Day At A Time

Yesterday as I rode home through the rolling hills of the breathtaking jungle in a sketchy school bus crammed full of seventy some people, with one kid on my lap, one sleeping on my shoulder, and a tiny baby somehow sleeping quite soundly in my arms, I realized that that was one of those "once in a lifetime" moments that people always talk about. In fact, in the past few months of my life I have had innumerable moments like this. I feel so fortunate to be where I am, hanging out with some of the most amazing kids in the world, literally, and getting to be a part of their lives, just as they are now unarguably a huge part of mine. Every time I look down into the bright eyes of a child I am blown away by how incredibly beautiful and full of life they are. Kids have such honest and naive perspectives of the world, appreciating the small things in life, as we so often overlook and take for granted. It's funny how we try to teach and prepare them for reality and the future, when really we should be learning to live in and appreciate the present as a young child does. We get so caught up in planning and stressing about what's to come that we forget to appreciate our current surroundings, often letting these "once in a lifetime" moments slip past us without a thought. Time never stops ticking. The future is untouchable anyway so why are we always striving to escape the present. I am asking you now to take a moment, stop worrying about tomorrow, and thank God for every blessing in your life today.

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